Committee Meeting
Instructional Support Center
Monday, May 16, 2016
5:30 P.M.

NOTICE: No official action will be taken during the Committee of the Whole Meeting. The business of this Meeting is merely to discuss and deliberate information that may be placed on the Agenda for the Voting Meeting to be held on May 23, 2016.



1. Crawford Central School District Health Services Vision

SECONDARY CURRICULUM – Jeffrey L. Deardorff, Chairperson

1. Discussion regarding the Guidance Chapter 339 Plan – Renee Keyser and Mike Swick (Attachment)

2. Discussion regarding the Second and Final Reading of Schedule J – Textbook Adoption – AP Calculus (Attachment)

3. Discussion regarding the First Reading of Schedule J – Textbook Adoption – Computer Applications (Attachment)

4. Discussion regarding the 2016 graduation classes for Meadville Area Senior High School and Cochranton Jr.-Sr. High School (Attachment) (Attachment)

5. Discussion regarding the Agreement with Transportation Solutions regarding driver’s education

6. Secondary Curriculum Update

ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM – Glenn J. Tuttle, Chairperson

1. Elementary Curriculum Update

EXTRACURRICULAR – Katrina M. Proctor, Chairperson

1. Extracurricular Update

TECHNOLOGY – Melissa Burnett, Chairperson

1. Technology Update

SPECIAL SERVICES – Donald F. Sacco, Chairperson

1. Special Services Update

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS – Frank J. Schreck, Chairperson

1. Discussion regarding Schedule K #409 – 2016-2018 Refuse Removal Bids (Attachment)

2. Buildings and Grounds Update

TRANSPORTATION/FOOD SERVICE – Delwood J. Smith, Chairperson

1. Transportation Update

2. Food Service Update

FINANCE – Jeffrey S. Rose, Chairperson

1. Discussion regarding the tentative adoption of the proposed fiscal year 2016-2017 General Fund Budget (Attachment) (Attachment) (Attachment) (Attachment) (Attachment) (Attachment)

2. Discussion regarding the implementation of Act 1, the Homestead and Farmstead exclusion for fiscal year 2016-2017 (Attachment) (Attachment)

3. Discussion regarding the designation of depositories for the 2016-2017 fiscal year

4. Discussion regarding the authorization to invest funds

5. Discussion regarding the nomination/election of a treasurer for the 2016-2017 fiscal year

6. Discussion regarding Schedule K #410 – 2016-2017 Athletic Bids (Attachment)

7. Finance Update

PERSONNEL/POLICY– Jan A. Feleppa, Chairperson

1. Discussion regarding the First Reading of the revisions to the following Crawford Central School District Policies:

2. Discussion regarding the reappointment of Carl N. Moore as Solicitor (Attachment)

3. Discussion regarding the Personnel Recommendations (Attachment)

4. Personnel Update

Board Debriefing on Core Values

1. How did we do at keeping our definition of success firmly in mind as we discussed our agenda items?

a.  What specifically did we do well?

b.  What could we have done better?

2.    Did we as a Board do exceptionally well at living by any of our Core Values? What specific examples demonstrated those Core Values?

3. Does any individual Board Member deserve recognition for living by a Core Value? If so, please take a moment to provide positive feedback to that individual in SBI format.

4. Does any individual Board Member need some feedback about violating any of the Core Values? If so, please take a moment in private to provide that feedback using SBI format. In providing that feedback be sure to live by the Core Values yourself and in receiving that feedback be sure to keep an open mind!

Question of the Month

5. Respect - Does anyone deserve feedback (positive or negative) around:

a. Assuming the best intent?

b. Listening to understand?

c. Managing verbal and non-verbal reaction to ensure others feel safe and valued?